25 listopada 2007

SCEA 5 Part 2 assignment - kolejny etap do 12 grudnia

Kolejna wiadomość wyjaśnia zasady drugiego etapu w certyfikacji SCEA 5 BETA (Sun Certified Enterprise Architect). Czas zakończenia etapu to 12 grudzień 2007. Zadania dotyczą znajomości UML, więc, w połączeniu z moimi zawodowymi obowiązkami, zamierzam wykorzystać do tego IBM Rational Software Architect 7. Niech się przekonam na własnej skórze, co to cacko potrafi i jak pomocne może być w kontekście mojej certyfikacji.

Jest też element polski w zadaniu - You will be graded on correctly solving the technical and performance requirements, not on the "polish" of the finished product. Czyżby przypuszczali, że będę wysyłał mój esej po polsku?! To oni jeszcze się nie nauczyli polskiego?! ;-)

Zainteresowanych tematem certyfikacji SCEA 5 BETA oraz wyników innych zapraszam na forum Architect Certification (SCEA) na JavaRanch.

Congratulations! You have passed the Multiple Choice - Part I, of the SCEA 5 free beta exam.
Part II and Part II Beta Dates:

Assignment (Part II) Beta Dates: November 21st - December 12th, 2007
Short Essay (Part III) Beta Dates: November 28th - December 26th, 2007

Below you will find the instructions on what you must accomplish in the free assignment beta exam 311-301A and how to submit for grading.

Assignment Instructions:

You will have three weeks to complete the assignment part. If you feel you cannot do this free beta assignment in three weeks, please do not start it, as December 12th is the last day to submit your assignment in order for it to be valid and graded. If you do not submit your assignment, please delete this assignment as it is obsolete once the submission deadline is reached. If you do NOT complete Part II, you do not have to do Part III as you must complete all three parts of the SCEA beta exam in order to receive your certification.

The assignment requires that you architect a solution using the JEE platform for a well-defined set of business requirements. You have been given a business scenario with a business domain model, use case diagram and use case narrative. You will be graded on correctly solving the technical and performance requirements, not on the "polish" of the finished product. However your submission should be easy to read, understand and follow.

We have designed the complexity of the assignment so that it should take between 40-60 hours. If you find yourself spending more than 60 hours, then you are probably providing more detail than is necessary or you are lacking some of the skills necessary to complete the assignment. In order to help us validate the complexity, please provide the number of hours it took you to complete the assignment. This will not have any impact on your grade.

Your submission will be evaluated on a large number of objective criteria that fall into five categories:

1) Class Diagram: This category covers how well your class diagram(s) address the object model needed to satisfy the requirements.

2) Component Diagram: This category covers how well your component diagram(s) convey the structure of the architecture in satisfying the requirements.

3) Deployment Diagram: This category covers how well your deployment diagram conveys the production environment in satisfying the requirements.

4) Sequence/Collaboration Diagrams: This category covers how well your sequence or collaboration diagrams satisfy the requirements of the assignment.

5) Risk and Mitigation List: This category covers how well you have identified and mitigated risks that are involved in architecting the solution.

Additionally, categories 1-4 are evaluated on UML compliance.

Attached is your assignment.

Submitting Assignment for Grade

When you have completed the 311-301A Free Assignment - Part II beta, please zip it up, attach it to an email with the subject line "311-301A Part II Beta", and send it to sunbeta@prometric.com with your:

Last Name:
Prometric Id Number:
Number of hours it took you to complete the assignment:

You will have until December 12 to submit your final assignment, after this date, we will no longer accept submissions and the assignment you have is obsolete.

Essay Beta Instructions

If you did not submit your assignment – Part II, please disregard this section.

You will receive a 3rd and final email which will contain your voucher number for the SCEA Part 3 Beta exam. This email will be sent within 24 hours.

Registration for the Essay - Part III will start on November 24th.

To register for the Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 Essay beta exam, exam number: 311-062, you may register online at www.prometric.com/Sun/default.htm, and follow the prompts. Or, you may register by phone, by calling your regional Prometric registration office, listed at www.prometric.com/ContactUs/TestTakers.

Asia/Australia - 61-2-96405830

Europe - 31-320-239-800

Japan - 81-0120-107737

Latin America - Contact your local Prometric testing center, listed at www.2test.com

USA/Canada - 1-800-795-3926

You will have until December 26th to complete the Essay beta Part III at a worldwide Prometric testing center.

Thank you for your participation and Good Luck.

Please note: The attached assignment is property of SUN Microsystems

2 komentarze:

  1. Hej!

    Spróbowałem użyć RSA - owszem, wygląda ładnie, ale jakoś mi nie do końca wyglądało to na zgodne z UML'em, np. deployment diagram. Być może za mało jeszcze znam to narzędzie i nie umiem skonfigurować... Poza tym, wydaje mi się dosyć wolne. Dla odmiany spróbowałem Enterprise Architect'a firmy Sparx Systems, i muszę przyznać, że jest bardzo wygodny i przyjazny w obsłudze, a poza tym bardzo szybki! Dla porównania - RSA testowałem 1 dzień, EA dopiero 1h, a już zrobiło na mnie ogromne wrażenie!

  2. Jednak zdecydowałem się na RADa (z czysto pragmatycznych pobódek). Pobrałem EA, ale dobrze się stało, że nie zainstalowałem go sobie jeszcze, bo właśnie jestem po lekturze What's new in IBM Rational Software Modeler V7.0 oraz What's new in IBM Rational Software Architect V7.0 i zostałem przy firmowym rozwiązaniu. Upiekę dwie pieczenie na jednym ogniu ;-) Później wymienimy się doświadczeniami, szczególnie kiedy obaj przejdziemy ten etap. Czego i Tobie i sobie życzę ;-)
